Molly Adair
copilot logo.jpg

Cross-Country Road Trip

This summer, I moved from Rhode Island to Seattle and decided to embark on a cross-country road trip to do so. Since my family lives in North Carolina (and I've always wanted to explore the southwest) I decided to take the longest route possible - down the east coast, through the south, then up the west coast.

I wanted to spend the trip working on my digital sketching/illustration skills, so I started a TinyLetter called "Copilot" and posted highlights of my journey every once in a while. 

Check out the whole project here.

Copilot logo

Copilot logo

Kauai Mountains

Kauai Mountains

Before starting the actual trip, I took a vacation to Kauai. The trip involved a lot of beach, fruity drinks, and a little too much sunburn.

Eat Coast

Eat Coast

I ate my way down the East Coast

Home in Durham

Home in Durham

New Orleans.png
San Antonio.png